Had to go way back to the American College of Sportsmedicine Supplement, end
of year, '96 to find one of my post-event feeding/DOMS studies--and I can't
even give you the authors--don't save them that way--but here's the quote:
"The results suggest that condumption of a carbohydrate supplement (1 gram
ber kilogram bodyweight) immediately following completion of a resistance
trainng bout can significantly decreasze myofibrillar protein breakdown and
may slightly increase muscle protein synthetic rate..."
By the way, that creatine/swimmer paper tuns out to be a "no significant
results" paper for creatine.
Here's an interesting quote, again, don't ask me where it came from: It is
concluded that ingesting a fat-rich diet during an endurance training
programme (must be of Brit origin) is detrimental to improvement in
endurance. this is not due to a simple lack of carbohydrate fuel, but rather
to suboptimal adaptations that are not remedied by short-term increased
carbyhdrates availability. Furthermore, the study suggests that the decrese
in RER usually seen after training when exercising at the same absolute
intensity as before training can be prevented by a carbohydrate-rich diet."
If you guys (Beth and Sue) absolutely insist, I'll dig up the origin of that
quote--but it will be a lot easier for you to find it than me.
Now that I'm stuck in the middle of all my newsletter back issues, here are
another couple of quotes concerning carbohydrate feeding during and before
endurance events:
"It is proposed that CHO ingestion imporved endurance capacity by
contributing oxidative ATP production specifically in Type I fibers and by
doing so delayed the development of glycogen depletion in this fiber type."
"In summary, preexercise glucose ingestion results in increased muscle
glucose uptake and reduced liver glucose output during exercise."
Beth, at the beginning of this carb-loading discussoin I provided a bunch of
attributed papers that should still be in the newgroup archives. I can
provide them again, but look them over if they're still out there.
I am a fan of carbohydrates in all types of exercise and am encountering more
and more evidence against higher than normal fat diets--at least long
term--and this includes human endurance and tri-athletes.