Not endurance related but could be (for ride managers, AERC office,
directors, etc.) I have made the following discoveries:
If you are an AT&T customer and you want $0.10 a minute with AT&T long
distance, call 1-800-CALLATT and ask for it. It will cost $4.95 a month
but you then have $0.10 a minute at all times. (Ask them to make it
retroactive - they'll go back to the first of your billing cycle.)
Now, if you do that, and you have SW Bell local long distance (as we have
here in SW Missouri) you may be able to do this - dial acess code 10288
and then the "local long distance" number (10288 1+AC+number) and bypass
SW Bell's high charges and get your $0.10 rate with AT&T.
If you are a Sprint or MCI or something customer and go back to AT&T,
they will give you $0.10 a minute rate free for six months and then you
go onto $0.15 a minute - but I think at that point you could request the
above described services.
I found this out from the Missouri Public Service Commission. You can
call your state's PSC and find what's available to you. Also, call your
phone company(s). Keep in mind - they don't volunteer the best deals
Diana Benson
Joplin MO