Thanks for your concern. However Tom and I are havig a very nice conversation
on private about Rolfing.
I remember when I was considering going to the Rolf Institute or another spin
off school, that was cheaper and didn't have all the entrance requirements.
The Institute informed me that if I didn't go there I couldn't call myself a
Rolfer or my work Rolfing. I told them I didn't think calling my work
something so close to Ralphing was any big benefit. I decided to go to the
Institute because they had requirements that meant not everyone would be able
to get in. Like vet school, people work hard to become vets and believe or
not they're who I call if my horse is lame or sick. I might not follow all
their advice but they'll get a call.
I appreciate your concern. I think we can all be more civil towrds each
other. Maybe wait a while before we write a response, think about it from
more than just our point of view.
By the way Rolfing is a registered trademark of the Rolf Institute of
Structural Integration. Just like Coke belongs to coca cola. Anyone caught
using it without being certified gets to talk to the lawyers. It's name came
from the clients who called Dr. Ida Rolf's work Rolfing. She called it
Structural Integration.
I'm feeling a little sick, better go call the vet or maybe just ...
jim pascucci
Certified Rolfer