> On Mon, 21 Apr 1997 12:26:36 -0400 (EDT), Tivers@aol.com wrote:
> >In a message dated 97-04-21 01:36:25 EDT, you write:
> >> Does anyone have opinions on the optimum time for breakfast before a ride?
> >> Or do you tend not to give the horses breakfast, just hay all night?
> >The optimum time is probably his "normal" time, all things being equal. If
> >anything, that meal could be a little light, especially if you've glycogen
> >loaded and are carrying some replenishment fuel with you.
The normal time for my horse is all the time. Both at home and at
endurance rides, my horses do not get "meals" They have food in front of
them at all times except when they are working. They do get grain (sweet
feed with added corn or barley depending on whether I want to increase or
decrease the sugar content), which they "normally" get whenever I am there
to give it to them. At a ride, they get this grain several times during
the night (last one about 2 hrs before the start) and several times during
the course of the ride (i.e. at vet checks, and whenever I am off and
They also "eat along the way" anything that they can snatch at while going
down the trail, or anything I let them stop to eat. The concept of "meal"
does not exists for my horses.
Orange County, Calif.