I'm looking for a shorttime job in Australia or New Zealand as assistent
wrangler or trail guiding assistance:
* familar with daily horse care
* familar with horseback pack trips, trail guiding
* care and maintance of horse, tack and facilities
* rider for pleasure including dressage and western
* dressage to 2nd level
* ground work (experience in natural horseman ship)
* training horses for competition trail riding
* Available: 2 month during January and March 1998
Personal Datas:
I´m from Vienna/Austria/Europe, 45 years old, male, no-smoker, married,
2 children
Other people are saying that I´m of pleasant personality with good
working attidude and that I have a good feeling for horses.
I´m project manager in a bank for selfservice. A running internet
project will be finished at august 1997. In 1998 I have the possibility
for a 3 month holiday. In this time I like to upgrade my knowledge of
horses, training and schooling.
· free board, pocket money/small wage, medical insurance
Please contact
Hannes Vavra
Hannes Vavra
Premlechnergasse 4
A-1120 Vienna/Austria/Europe