> permanent damage in that area so she doesn't sweat? Saddles are a huge
> source of frustration for me with my barrel shaped Arab. I've been through 3
> dressage saddles and this cheap ABetta-which I had really liked. An
It is for this reason that I consider conformation of the back and withers
to be extremely important in an endurance mount. I consider a barrel
shaped, mutton withered horse to be totally disqualified as a purchase for
an endurance prospect. If you already own a horse like this, of course,
it is something to be worked with, but don't go out and buy one. Or
saddles will be a huge source of frustration to you.
And for god's sake...don't breed them!
A riding horse needs to have withers.
Just my opinion, mind you.
Orange County, Calif.
"If the world were based on logic, MEN would ride sidesaddle."