ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: ridecamp-d Digest V97 #242 Flex Strirrups or shock

Re: ridecamp-d Digest V97 #242 Flex Strirrups or shock

Thu, 10 Apr 1997 20:28:40 -0400

was just getting back to my posts and noticed mention of stirrrups that are
helpful to those of us who have knee or leg problems. Can someone tell me more
about their usefulness and where one might order them? I can't do endurance but
I do like the thought of more comfort while posting any milage. E-mail me at
reggie1@vermontel.com to avoid taking up any more space. I also enjoy reading
the comments and advice regarding conditioning. When most of you advise how to
keep a "fit" horse going is there any one breed that does better than others?
I've been told Arabs hold their conditioning and once in shape need a good
maintainace program but not "grinding". I love my Arabs and I would like to keep
them as safe as possible while I'm coming back. Thanks in advance. REGGIE

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