ridecamp@endurance.net: FW: Stirrups
FW: Stirrups
Flemmer, Linda (LFlemmer@CHKD.com)
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 14:39:44 -0400
>You wrote:
>Does everyone put so much weight on the foot when posting that these stirrups
>are helpful? If we are putting our
>weight in our heels and keeping ankles flexed as we post (as Donna
>Snyder-Smith keeps reminding us), I wouldn't think this necessary.
>You're partially right - weight in your heels and flexed ankles help, but
>they are not the answer for every individual - just as there are many types
>of stirrups, saddles, bits, etc. Position alone is not enough to alleviate
>pain for those with knee injuries or plantar fasciitis with bone spurs. The
>Trail Tech stirrups are helpful in these cases.
>I use the Trail Tech stirrups because of knee injuries incurred while snow
>skiing. I've lost the larger part of the medial collateral ligament in both
>knees. Even when I flex my ankles, let my weight drop into my heels, and use
>my thigh to help support myself, there is too much repeated knee flexion in
>50 or more miles. I get off of the horse a cripple! In the previous years
>of endurance riding I never had this problem, but for the last 12 years after
>the injuries it has been painful after about 30 miles.
>Specialized stirrups are appropriate if good equitation alone is not!
>Marginal differences may mean the difference in riding or not. My only other
>alternative is riding no stirrups - been there & done that on some multiday
>rides. I'd rather have stirrups, thanks!
>Linda Flemmer
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