ridecamp@endurance.net: Re:Shying and Whirling

Re:Shying and Whirling

DreamWeaver (karen@chaton.gardnerville.nv.us)
Tue, 08 Apr 1997 22:42:53 -0700

At 09:28 PM 4/8/97 -0700, you wrote:
>On Wed, 9 Apr 1997, Helga Loncosky wrote:
>> Since horses switch between monocular and
>> binocular vision...
>They do??? I was always given to understand that horses had exclusively
>monocular vision. Have I always been wrong?
>Orange County, Calif.


>From my vet book: A horse has a wide field of vision (215 degrees) and can
see far out to each side and even a little behind. However, binocular
vision is limited. Both eyes can be brought together to focus on a single
object only in a rather limited field in front. At other times the horse
sees a different picture with each eye.

A number of investigators have concluded that perhaps a third of horses are
myopic or near-sighted. A small percentage seem to be far-sighted. Wild
horses appear to be far-sighted.

Happy Trails,

in Gardnerville

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