ridecamp@endurance.net: Derby Ditch snippets
Derby Ditch snippets
Reynolds, Nikki (jakar@aiinc.com)
(no date)
Hi All,
I ended up working overtime yesterday and didn't make it to the ride
until around 5pm. There had been 103 starters and 97 finishers.
Excellent!!! The weather couldn't have been much better with temps in
the mid 60's and the wind at bay. The night before had been rotten
weather for the campers. It was very windy and the temps dropped down
to record lows for the date...around 17 degrees! You can imagine that
combined with something like 40mph winds...brrrrrr!
I ran into Dave and Karen Chaton from our list and looked for Gary Fend
as well, but never got to meet him. Karen rode her younger horse,
Rocky, very conservatively and he LOOKED GREAT! He could've gone out
and done another 50 right then. I'll let her tell you about her fun
with him. It sure was fun renewing old acquaintances and now I can't
wait to get back to riding rides again. Endurance people are SOOO
NICE! They seem to have good memories too! Sheesh, I haven't ridden
but one ride since '83 and people were greeting me by name!
We sat too far back in the auditorium during the awards and couldn't
hear very well, but found out at least that the winning team was Dale
Nance on her Arab, Smokey. How my son's ol' baldy redneck barber could
ever sire such a cutie is beyond me!! Hehe...he'll SQUASH me for this
one!! I couldn't hear who it was that got best condition...somebody
help me out, please.
There was one notable incident during the ride when one lady was
Careflighted to the hospital with injuries received in a bad wreck where
her horse was hit by a passing truck on the highway as well. As of
dinner time, the word was that they were both relatively okay. I didn't
quite hear all the details, and don't know the people personally, but
they were from CA. The lady's name was Bonnie and she was riding one of
Bob Padgett's horses. (Maybe someone can help me out here.) The
accident was one of those unavoidable mishaps from what I heard.
This wasn't much, but maybe it'll incite someone else with more info to
write in.
Have a nice day all!, Nikki
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