So, in light of what you just said, when would you suggest starting back
the training schedule after a one day 100 miler given that your horse
has finished sound, with minimal overt symptoms of wear and tear? Would
you just start back at the same level you left off before competition?
When would you start your taper? Lets say your next competition is in 4
weeks and it is also a one day 100.
Using my current philosophy and training plan, here is what I would do.
After ~10 Days rest, pasture (days between numbered days below are also
--day 10 - Light aerobic work on the flat, 45 minutes
--day 12 - Easy intervals on the flat, alt walk, trot, gallop 45 minutes
--day 14or15 - 16-20 miles of tough mountain trail work, pushing for
higher HR where possible given terrain.
--day 17 - same as day 10
--day 19 - moderate hill intervals, 45 minutes
--day 22 - 16 miles with 3.5 mile tough interval hill which has 6 climbs
for maxing HR with walk/trot recovery between.
--day 24 - same as day 19
--day 26 - same as day 10
--day 27 - haul to ride
--day 28 - competition
If I understand your theory correctly, you would not give the initial 10
days off but start working on say day 4. Then, you'd put the tougher
works at the front end of this schedule and taper off from day 14 on.
Now since we can't keep our horse peaked for more than three weeks, when
do we need to let down and start the cycle over again? I think this is
where we use our competitions as training rides. That is, on selected
rides, we would not ask our horse for maximum effort and plan for a new
peak later on. How much rest would you suggest in those cases, since we
would not always be riding the wave of supercompensation?
Linda VanCeylon & crew
Buhni, Sunny, Rabbit, & Fiddler