This is my question, I am new to endurance and am searching for a solid
training program. I like the idea of interval training and have come up with
a interval training program ( with help from everyone ) and would like to
know if it has any holes. First of all, my goal is to be able to compete ia
fairly fast 25 mile endurance ride NEXT May ( which is the only local
endurance ride we have ), and then quickly progress if my horse is capable of
doing so.
Interval Training Phases:
1. 20 walk, 5-3 min trots ( ex. 3 trot, 3 walk is one set ) 10 min
trot, 20 walk
2. 20 walk, 6-4 min trots, 2-3 min canters, 10 trot, 20 walk
3. 20 walk, 7-5 min trot, 3-3 min canters, 10 min trot, 20 walk
4. 20 min walk, 8-6 min trots, 3-4 min canters, 2 min run ( for the anerobic
exercise ), 10 min trot, 20 min walk
5. 20 min walk, 9-7 min trots, 3-5 min canters, 3 min run, 10 trot, 20 min
6. 20 min walk, 10-8 min trots, 3-6 min canters, 4 min run, 10 trot, 20 min
I plan on doing each phase for about 4 weeks. I am at 7000' elevation and
train up to about 9000' and can't find a place WITHOUT hills!!!! I ride
everyother day and have some rides that are just relaxing rides, and also
some longer rides, but would this be a good interval traing program to
follow?? And still have the relaxing rides and different varations besides
just this schedule? Gosh I hope that make sense!!!
Would this allow a horse to PROPERLY form strong tendons, bones, slow and
fast twich muscels??
I will shut up now and would like to thank everyone in advance for helping me
with this!!!!!!! Please respond to unless you fell others
would benefit!!!
Johnna Robb & AM Lilium Dream