> I like mine too but they do tear and briars are hell on them....and they
are > not cheap of course (nothing any good is) so I have taken to wearing
legging > tights (like what they well to wear with a baggy sweater or like full
length > tights for the gym) for my alot of my regular riding to try to save my
good > tights for rides. You can get legging/tights from tons of places (LL
Bean, > Lands End, etc). >
this is exactly what i wear too --- by choice. i work out and the diamond
inner panel leggings that i find (in wal-mart of all places) are the most
comfortable things ive ridden in to date. and they are less than $20. two
pair will last me an entire riding season and then some. because im on a
budget (who isnt) i jsut cant justify $60 a pair for riding tights. id
rather invest in my wal-wart specials and use a good merino seat cover to
cush my bony tush