ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: low heel, high heel

Re: low heel, high heel

Truman Prevatt (truman.prevatt@netsrq.com)
Thu, 3 Apr 1997 09:38:11 -0400

>L Eisele wrote:
>. She talked about crookedness and when a horse
>> leans or pops (not sure if the same) a shoulder, the foot on that side
>> is usually lower and larger compared to the foot on the other side. A
>> result of leaning and crookedness.
>Are you saying if you correct the shoulder, the foot will correct

I believe that this is also the theory that Tony Gonzolas (sp?) proposed in
Total Balanced Motion. I have also heard Deb Bennett's theory on this and
it does make some sense. In many cases the lower heeled hoof is also
larger which implies more weight which would validate the theory of leaning
on that leg.


Truman Prevatt
Sarasota, FL

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