ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Diatomacious earth

Re: Diatomacious earth

Sat, 22 Mar 1997 09:26:45 -0500 (EST)

Here in Texas fire ants will carry off anything not tied down.
I use diatomacious earth as a barrier around my dog food
and horse feed. The ants can not cross the layer of
diatomacious earth because the sharp edges of its structure.
Diatomacious earth cuts the ant's outer shell and they die.
(I can't think of a better demise for these little buggers!)

However, I heard on a radio interview with an organic expert
that feeding diatomacous earth to animals will not kill internal
parasites. The sharp edges of diatomacous earth no longer
effective and only its mineral content is beneficial to the animal.
It is a lot like feeding expensive dirt.


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