I have one of those Glucose testers TI told us about.
Works great. I am getting base data on one horse now.
She is getting use to the 'sticker' to get a drop of blood.
The unit is small. Will be taking it to rides to check the glucouse levels
before the ride and at each vet check and after.
Will be using it at all the rides CTR and END.. to see when the levels
change and how much..
Then I can run tests at home or at the ride.. to see how much of the carbo
loader to feed to keep the levels up during a ride.. but not too high to
cause a problem..
I have data now but it is not consistant yet.. getting a better contol
method in place.
She does LIKE the GNC loader . tastes great.. I will be using it too.
More on this later..
The tester cost $70 at most drug stores
ROger R