Not sure but I think the name of the new region will be Desert Pacific
unless someone has some violent objections. Our brief meeting at the Geo
Bun Buster went well. Quite a few ride managers participated as well as
interested riders. We decided to give juniors and ride managers one-half
price entries. Also decided to have our own awards presented at a ride
shortly after the first of the year-perhaps Terry Wooley's-Warner Hot
Springs Ride. We were thinking of having a speaker, dance etc. Kim Fuess
will do the Region web page and Nancy and Gary James will work on putting
together a book-similar to the one PNER does which will describe all of the
rides in the region. We will not be able to select new directors until the
regular elections in the Fall. We thought about adding one dollar from
each entry to a region fund to offset expenses and to have advertising in
the book to help with expenses there. These were just a few of the
suggestions. Any others will be welcome!! Jackie B.