ridecamp@endurance.net: 2 day rides

2 day rides

tina hicks (hickst@puzzler.nichols.com)
Wed, 19 Mar 1997 10:48:05 -0600

what kinds of things do you do after the first day of a 2 day (100) to make
sure your horse is as fresh looking and free moving on the morning of the
2nd day as he was starting the first day? Lots of handwalking? Icing? Any
special routines you have discovered?

Maybe jsut meditating/praying to the soundness god?

Obviously I'm not talking about making a lame horse look sound in order to
start - I'm talking about alleviating the normal muscle soreness/stiffness
that you see sometimes from doing a 50 and then being relatively confined
for the evening.

Tina - cluelessly contemplating doing a 2 day next month

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