At 04:56 PM 3/17/97 -0800, you wrote: >> ...My conditioning friend's Arab actually pees on command... >
On the Standardbred track horses are taught from the first time they ship in
as babies to pee on command. Every time you see your horse pee you whistle
to it. Not a tune or anything, just short bursts of whistles one right
after the other, until they are done.Eventually they will pee on a whistle!
That way when they finally get to the races and place well enough to go to
the spit box, they will pee on command (you hope) in a cup for a drug test.
This is also very helpful if you have a horse who is prone to tying up and such.
Cheryl Newbanks
~~^** Just In Time Ranch
~~}_ _~~ /\| Buckeye, AZ
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