ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: What consitutes an overly long pastern and should support
Re: What consitutes an overly long pastern and should support
sallijan snyder (sallijan@ix.netcom.com)
Tue, 18 Mar 1997 23:53:44 -0600 (CST)
I can offer one POV on pasterns. Over on Caballo-L, the
Peruvian list, it has been said that any pastern that goes below
horizontal when gaiting is too long and weak. This should be true
either ridden or free. Is this is a reasonable minimum
standard for any breed, gaited or not? At the trot, or any gait?
Obviously this will not be true when landing over a jump--I mean
under normal flat travel.
I'll let others address the boots issue.
Sallijan Snyder sallijan@ix.netcom.com
San Jose, California, USA (408) 629-5909
Member: Santa Clara County Horsemen's Association
Internet Z Car Club (#42)
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