ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Fw: Judging a trot on the ground

Re: Fw: Judging a trot on the ground

Duncan Fletcher (dfletche@gte.net)
Mon, 17 Mar 1997 21:20:38 -0800

Tom -

I have no problem understanding angle logic, but why should a square toe
increase concussive stress (assuming equal hoof angles) and why should it
jam more than a 'pointy' toe (again assuming equal hoof angles)?

> From: Tivers@aol.com
> When you raise angles in the foot, you shift a significant amount of
> concussive stress away from the soft tissue suspension system behind the
> into the bone column. A squared toe can have a similar effect with the
> addition of "jamming" the foot, stopping it too quickly--again puts
stress on
> bone column. Of course, there are times in the front where we want to
> these kinds of changes, very carefully, and not dramatically, to quicken
> lift the action. But when we do, we know that beyond a certain point of
> balance, we're going to start testing the knees and ankles.
> ti

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