Yesterday we went on a 10-12 mile conditioning ride & he drank from mud
puddles, the lake, streams, you name it. Drinking is not a problem.
Periodically, we stop & I'd let him graze (nice green grass here in TN),
but he'd never relieve himself. When we got back to the trailer, I let him
graze for several minutes before loading him up. Nope not in public! It's
about 15-20 minutes back to the barn. Opened up the back door & sure
enough gallons (maybe a little exagerated :-)).
This surprised me knowing that horses didn't like the splatter. Silly
me...he had on his new shipping boots! No splatter felt. Normally I will
stick him straight in his stall when we get back to the barn because I know
he needs to go. And within a couple of minutes (provided I'm not watching)
I hear that wonderful sound.
As I mentioned he drinks at almost every opportunity. Since I "recycle"
frequently (pea-size blatter), I know he needs to before he actually does.
Last year I rode a couple of CTRs & will ride a limited distance ride in
May for comparison. Regardless of which type of long distance riding I do,
I need to solve this problem.
My conditioning friend's Arab actually pees on command. I'm very envious.
Any words of wisdom?
Samm, my first ride will be Heart of Dixie. Will you be there? Would love
to meet you!
Vicki Wheeler
Knoxville TN