ridecamp@endurance.net: Saare saddle

Saare saddle

outwestposse (OutWestPosse@msn.com)
Mon, 17 Mar 97 01:45:11 UT

Would it be O.K. if you guys gave me your personal E-Mail addresses, so I
don't clutter up ridecamp with discussing Sharon's saddle.


O.K.----to answer a few questions. Yes, Laney her saddles have changed in 5
years, and I think they are much more comfortable.

Also, Sharon will be back by the end of the week and I'm just going to take it
over to her house if I don't get any takers. She will bump the price up, too.

Her F tree size would fit a medium backed horse, as this tree is about right
in the middle of all her tree sizes. Sorry, I don't know much about
cm.'s....to compare it to an english saddle.

But, you could call Sharon...she will be home by this Wed. and her # is
970-678-5968. She could help with details, or you could e-mail me with your
e-mail address or phone #'s and I could discuss it further.

Johnna---if you bought the saddle....I believe it would fit...especially if
you use her Happy Back pad. But, your horse may be too narrow....Slab-sidded
is relative to what you think slab sidded is ? So we should talk.

I mean, I don't know you and your knowledge of backs and saddle fit....I'm not
saying you don't know what slab-sidded is.

Boy, these computors. I wish they could print inflections in our voice and
stuff, cause things can really be mis-understood sometimes.....huh?


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