Last year we had over 100 person enjoy the Trail, so don't be left out.
All proceed from this "Fun Ride" will go toward improvements and repairs
of the Western States Trail.
Larry Suddjian
DATE April 26, 1997
TIME Check-In at 8 AM
LOCATION Foresthill Mill Site (Vet Check during Tevis)
DONATION $35.00 prior to April 26th - $40.00 at Check In
Come join the Western States Trail Foundation for a day of fun. We will
have two trails out of Foresthill; one trail will be a 12 mile out and
back ride to Michigan Bluff via beautiful Volcano Canyon, the other
trail will be a 20 mile one way ride from the Mill Site to White Oak
Flat following the Tevis route using the California Street trail. The
canyons should be alive with wild flowers as spring will be upon us.
We will be providing a shuttle service for those who wish to ride the
California Street trail. Come and check in at the Foresthill Mill Site,
tack up your horses, give them to a friend, or tie them to a tree as you
take your rig to White Oak Flat. We will be running the shuttle service
from White Oak back to the Mill Site in Foresthill at 9 AM and 10 AM.
After you have had a great day riding, come join us for an excellent
barbecue starting at 3:30 PM. All donations will be applied toward
trail improvements on the Western States Trail.
There will be a veterinarian on call for emergencies.
Not only does your donation of $35.00 include a good lunch and trail
ride, we will have a raffle for a 1997 Tevis entry (non-transferable).
Call the Tevis office (916/823-7282) for further information. See our
Web Page at