ridecamp@endurance.net: Nutrena,GAGs


Sun, 16 Mar 1997 12:44:42 -0500 (EST)

I used to use the Nutrena feed (from the Farr selection) Maintain. A 10%
sweet feed with high fat content...they call it their high energy feed. I
really liked the stuff . I know people who add Athlete to it during
training. I had to change because I changed horses and needed a 12% feed.
If it came in 12% I would use it though.I just got a new product from my
homeopathic vet. It's called Arthri-Soothe it has both chondroitin sulfate
and glucosamine in it as well as anti-inflammatory herbs of Yucca ,
boswellia,schidgera, and Vit C and E. The 75 day supply for a horse was
$75.00 before shipping and handling. It also comes in a strength for
dogs. (which is what I ordered from her now I've got to switch it out.
Idon't know if it is less money...I will find out.) I have the utmost
confidence in this vet (Peggy Fleming) when she says a product is
great...that's enough for me. For info call 1-800-628-8783 California

I have enjoyed reading about other horses doing distance..gives me
encouragement on my Morgan. The discussion of the high stepping TWH
makes me nervous with regard to the show ring for Morgans.....each cover of
the Morgan Horse has a picture of a Morgan with their knees to their
chins. As for me I love the "old type " Morgan.
I am sitting on the fence with regard to this disclosure of non-payment
stuff. I was stiffed the money for shipping and handling of a sports
saddle I sold to someone on this list. I called, wrote, and emailed and
never got the money nor heard from her again. The hair went up on the
back of my neck when I saw that she has become a sports saddle dist.

Thanks for all of those wonderful stories....Susan I haven't laughed that
hard in a long time...keep them coming!!
Enjoy Spring

Kathy and Moriah (when do I get to go out with the big guys?)

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