ridecamp@endurance.net: Tevis Trail Conditions

Tevis Trail Conditions

Nat & Richard (trailride@foothill.net)
Sat, 15 Mar 1997 12:57:01 -0800

Chuck Gabri has provided a condition report on the various sections of
the Tevis Cup Trail. It is available on the Tevis website at,


Chuck will be refreshing this information every week or so as the high
country starts to thaw out and the annual trail repairs proceed.

If you do not have web access but would like a copy of this and
subsequent condition reports, please send me a note. I will gladly
email you a text version.

Regards, Richard Goodwin, Tevis Webmonkey

 _    ,--/   trailride@foothill.net is the address of 
<_ __/ /\|   Natalie's "Barn & Breakfast" in Weimar, CA.
( )__, ) ~   A B&B for horses (and their riders) 
 \\  '--;    in the heart of Tevis Country.  (916) 637-4644
             Visit us at http://www.foothill.net/natalies

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