Dorothy & Elly (who doesn't do puddles, but will now do rivers!)
Taylorsville, CA
> Think we all have water stories. I had a TB I was training. Decided we
> going to encourage his drinking in this lake if it took a showdown. Kept
> urging him on, anticipating the spin & flight response. Instead this
> TB with feet like mixing bowls plopped a foot into a very shallow part of
> lake, freaked with it splashed and rather than spin and run, lunged in one
> jump about 15' into the lake, then spun and ran (after depositing me in
> lake). That lunge tore my rotator cup as well as drenched me thoroughly
> (Crisp Oct day too). My husband thought it was pretty funny. (I didn't
> realize I tore anything til days later, just knew I hurt, but when don't
> Funny thing, when I dragged myself out he was still standing in the
> drinking...