Try tying an inner tube between your horse and anything Solid. But Better
Watch Out if he can break it. Or try using a 'gut-rope', but is a real
hassle to put on and off. If horse is tied to or with anything that will
break, will be very dangerous to people and equipment. If horse is unable
to break rope, halter or post, he may break his neck (not kidding)
Semper Fi & The ShadowRat
Huffman Horse and Cattle Company
Fine Endurance Arabians and 'Horned Cows'
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Horses tied to trailers
> Date: Tuesday, March 11, 1997 10:43 AM
> I know someone who had a bad experience with tying a horse to a trailer.
> Apparently the horse and/or trailer got hurt somehow.
> This hunter/jumper trainer now does not allow any of her students to tie
> horses to the trailer and seems to be teaching her students that it is a
> bad thing to do. This trainer also thinks all A-Rabs are spooky...
> uneducated and misguiding dolt.
> What do you folks out there think? Any stories that we can learn by? I
> prefer a portable corral if possible.
> Melody