I took down the number for the National Organization and set it by my
phone, meaning to call and get a local referral in the next few days. At
the stable today a certified Equine Dentist was there to do maintanence
on four horses. I started a conversation with him and asked him to look
at my horse.
What he found amazed me! Even though I just had her teeth floated 4
weeks ago, she still a large hook on the upper molar. He said that the
bit was most likely hitting this hook. She also had an ulcer on her
cheek. This (hopefully) would explain her non-acceptance of the bit;
always mouthing, never relaxing and head tossing.
I asked if he could fit her in today and he said if the vet could, he
could. Everything just fell into place. Her insisors needed major work.
What was supposed to be a straight line between her upper and lower
insisors was an "S" shaped curve. He said that there was no way for her
to properly chew her food, that the rear molars were not meeting all the
way. Now, I hope she gains the weight that she needs. I justified the
expense ($145. for semi-major work, $85. for regular maintanence) by
thinking of all the expensive suppliments not being chewed and passing
through her.
When he was done, I could see and hear the difference! Her jaw movement
before and after was astonishing! He educated me on how horses chew and
what their teeth should be like. I asked the vet in attendance for the
tranquilizer why the vet at her vet check never mentioned these things.
He said that there is absolutely no training on proper insisor alignment
and went on to say how much he has learned from this dentist and how
important it is. Regular vets are just not trained to see this.
Again, Thank you to the author of the post. If I had not read that, I
know I would of thought, "Oh, she just had her teeth floated,
everythings fine" and I would of never given it a second thought.
Lauren and Kyla