>My sponge was dry as a bone and took *hours* (so it seemed) for it
>to soak up enough water on trail - darn thing just floated.
and this is when that mentoring thing comes in handy - I think that is about
the first thing Samm told me on my first ride - I woulda *never* thought of
that. I was sooo in awe of those that could flip the sponge with their
wrist, it would hit the water, the horse didn't jump, the rider stayed on,
and up came a sponge full of water much to the horse's delight. *how did
they do that* I thought. Images of me standing on a milk crate out by the
water trough practicing and my mom rolling in the aisle laughing kept coming
to mind.
Took me a few rides but by July, man I was *there*, brandishing my sponge
with the best of them and feeling rather smug about it
amazing what skills this sports requires :-))
Tina - sponge throwin' queen last summer on Embers - tho she's gotta be
careful on Tony - he's likely to leave me and the sponge in the water