ridecamp@endurance.net: Australian Endurance Saddles
Australian Endurance Saddles
Tue, 04 Mar 1997 23:38:09 -0800
An Australian stock saddle has a narrow "twist" like an English saddle,
and has a higher, wider, more rounded cantle. The pommel may be similar
to English at the withers, and has "poleys" (rounded verticle ear-like
protrusions) at the side just below the withers. The saddle has longer
rounded flaps than English, and English style stirrup leathers.
Australian stirrups are wider front-to-back than English, same width side
to side. The saddles are very secure. If you saw Man from Snowy River,
that's the type saddle the Aussies rode. The endurance Aussie has a
lighter tree, a smaller overall cantle (more like English, only deeper),
and weighs less. The poleys have been designed to be more
vertical in placement, easier for posting. The feel in the seat is
closer to English than to anything else, but deeper seat and
straighter legs. Endurance style price new ranges from $1695 to $1235,
fully fitted, stock saddles slightly higher. We occasionally have used
saddles, or know of ones for sale. If you would like our new catalogue
which has pictures of these, call me at (916)878-1183. Our shop is in
Granite Bay near Roseville, just up the road from Sac. Should you wish
to see the saddles up close and personal, call my partner, Janet, for an
appointment at (916)791-1542.
Welcome to the US.
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