ridecamp@endurance.net: old mags
old mags
tina hicks (hickst@puzzler.nichols.com)
Mon, 03 Mar 1997 13:57:12 -0600
always interesting to go back and read old ENs and TBs - since we had a
monsoon this weekend and riding time was limited I read some old articles.
Found an interesting tidbit in a 90 or 91 TB where it gave an actual grade
for Sherman's Gap at the OD - according to the article it is an 1100 ft
ascent with a *35%* grade and a 2000 ft descent (didn't give grade going down).
I *knew* that was one steep hill - now I have numbers to back it up:-))
Tina - who loves reading old magazines - if you have any old TB/EN let me know
BTW, anyone know when the OD ride entries are coming out? Last year I'm
pretty sure I had already entered by early March...
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