ridecamp@endurance.net: ride descriptions/FAQs/WSTF
ride descriptions/FAQs/WSTF
KIMBERLY PRICE (PLOUGH1@ix.netcom.com)
Sun, 2 Mar 1997 12:51:31 -0600 (CST)
Hey Susan, you are right. These types of ride descriptions can be very
helpful. I'm working on training FAQ's and have found it is lots of
work and not as much out there as I thought. If people want to
contribute these types of ride descriptions to me, I will save them on
my harddrive and submit a summary to Mike Maul to add to FAQ or Other
type of heading of his choice.
The FAQ's that are submitted already are EXCELLENT. They are a lot of
work. So please check them out and give the writers some feedback for
their time and trouble.
Take care all. Who else is going to the WSTF fun ride?
Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab)
Petaluma, CA.....soon to be Pt.Reyes
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