An older horse (12 years) in training since last summer may have other
than foot problems. There might also be muscle or soft-tissue soreness.
If the left front leg is rotating vertically, check the shoulder muscles
for tenderness and reaction. Often high-end shoulder and back problems
are manifested in the lower front legs. Someone with formal training or
experience can be VERY helpful in the evaluation. If there is
muscle-soreness, accupressure and message will be quite beneficial.
You also said something very interesting. Downhills are not a problem,
but any uphill causes her left leg to pop up. The general rule is when
the head bobs up, the front limb in contact with the ground is at issue.
(when she's up, she's off). However, a hind limb can also cause head
bobbing, it's just harder to see. If the horse is off uphill, we like
to spend more time evaluating the contralateral hind limb. This is
because that's the leg driving the horse forward. Also, unless the
horse is going heavily on the forehand, the center-of-gravity usually
shifts rearward increasing the load on the hind legs. In this case
check the right-hind for tenderness along the spine (about 3" away) on
the off-side starting near the point of the hip. Again, someone with
formal training or experience can be VERY helpful in the evaluation of
muscle problems.
Obviously any discussion over the net is pure speculation, but it
doesn't cost anything to try. Good luck.
Ramey Peticolas-Stroud