Well it's been a while since I dropped in, and I see many new faces (well,
names) here, so a quick re-introduction is probably in order. I am an
endurance rider from Canberra, Australia (Hi to all the other Aussies out
there - good to see we're a growing breed! :-). I have two horses, both grey
arabs. Trippy Dippy (anyone remember my trials and tribulations with him?)
is my current endurance mount. He's a qualified endurance horse (in
Australia horses have to complete 240km or 150miles at Novice pace to
qualify as Endurance Horses), just coming back into work for the 1997
season, and if I can keep his feet on the ground I want to take him to the
Tom Quilty (Australian Championships) this year. My other horse, Saki, is a
youngster who completed his first 40km (25mile) training ride at the end of
last year. My only aim for him this year is to get him out of Novice, but I
think he's got a big future ahead of him.
Looking forward to sharing another endurance season with you all!
Nik & the Gang (Taaj, Saki & Dippa) in Australia
nikkiw@agrecon.canberra.edu.au OR