Just a few weeks ago I was going thrugh some old photographs several of
which "featured" Kay Fullerton with her little mare. They came "North of
the Border" for two or three of OCTRA's early rides and there will be
several of us "old-timers" who will be sorry, as I was, to learn of her
passing. She was a great trooper and we will remember her fondly. Now I'll
go and look for that 'photo again - not that I need it to remind me of her.
When I came across it originally I wondered what had become of her. Now I
know, and all because of ridecamp! There's been some really interesting and
thought-provoking posts going on.
The falling-off posts seemed to have come to a grinding halt for now so
thought I would add just two of my stories.
#1 was very recent and I did not fall off my horse. Rather my new office
chair with casters bucked me off landing me on the tile floor which is very
hard. Now I have a sore tailbone. The fact that I was perched on the edge
reading ridecamp posts might have had something to do with it. Maybe I need
to wear a seatbelt!!
#2 Fall - I ride in an English saddle but use a hackamore on Phoenix. Since
he tends to be on the lazy side when we're out riding alone I also wear a
short shanked spur. This Fall we were out meandering through the woods. He
stopped and turned his head to get at an insect on his belly. The spur
caught in the shank of the hackamore and I couldn't release it. As he put
his head back up he pulled my leg forward so my heel was somewhere around
his ear with the result I came off landing by his front feet with him
looking down at me wondering what the heck I was doing down there. Did I
ever feel foolish and glad that no-one was around to witness my unorthodox
dismount. 0h! How the mighty have fallen.
Have a happy time at the convention. Will be looking forward to some
"posts" and see what "Boss" will have to tell us. Peter Renton - OCTRA V.P.
will also be there.
Di. Rz.