The Natural Horsemanship list is I haven't been on
it very long, and will be going to my first Parelli clinic in March, so by
no means am an authority.
However, from what I've seen, Parelli, Lyons, Dorrance, and Hunt are right
on target. Infact, they're classic horse trainers, and I think any
horseman, but especially distance riders, would do very well to follow
their advice.
Parelli is very well organized and also easy to understand. He has a class
system set up which is a concrete way to learn. I just started the class
and am very impressed. The E-mail list is kind of ho-hum, but if you're
interested in Parelli, their number is 1-800-642-3335.
One of the things that impresses me most is that none of Parelli's methods
are quick-fix. In fact, he teaches mental theory more than method. Once
you start thinking like a "natural horseman," it'll be like a light going
on with everything you do with a horse.
If people would like, I can post a schedule of clinics coming up for 1997.
Any questions, I'll try to help.
Karen Willmus
> From: Joanne Alderman <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Foot Shy
> Date: Monday, February 17, 1997 7:44 PM
> I'd like to have the address of a Natural Horsemanship list. You might
> post it to the net, that way anyone who's interested can get it.
> Thanks.
> Jo