ridecamp@endurance.net: Scooping water from trough

Scooping water from trough

Leif Neland (leifn@roskildebc.dk)
16 Feb 97 21:50:54 +0100

At 16 Feb 97 18:49:36 CBarr6608@aol.com wrote regarding
Scooping water from trough in area "Endurance"

C> I want to tell you about my pet-peeve. At rides, I frequently
C> come to a water stop and my horse begins to drink. Then, somebody
C> comes along and starts scooping water from the trough right next
C> to where my horse is drinking.

Are you sure you are supposed/allowed to drink from that water? Isn't it

Leif Neland
Internet: leifn@roskildebc.dk

|Fidonet:  Leif Neland 2:234/49
|Internet: leifn@swimsuit.roskildebc.dk

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