ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Helmet Rules and Society

Re: Helmet Rules and Society

K S Swigart (katswig@deltanet.com)
Sun, 16 Feb 97 03:40:44 +0000

On Sat, 15 Feb 1997, Barbara Madill wrote:

> We have all gone on about this helmet thing (and other "personal"
> freedoms). I feel as though my personal freedom has been violated if I end
> up paying for someone else's personal freedom, either through higher taxes
> or interest rates.
Sun, 16 Feb 97, K S Swigart wrote:

>>Just because society has volunteered to pay doesn't give it the right to
>>then regulate my choices.

>>Just because society has volunteered to pay with YOUR money, still
>>doesn't give you the right to regulate my choices.

>>Your complaint should be with the people who are volunteering to pay with
>>YOUR money, not with people who would like to exercise their choices.

>>Orange County, Calif.

It IS!
However, if I am to develop that line of thought further, I should
be able to go on welfare, adopt a life style that would put me at risk for
AIDS, take up smoking, all because society will pay for the
consequences while I concentrate on changing the minds of those who
make such subsidization possible.

Contrarily, and on the flip side, my own daughter once suffered a
nasty concussion BECAUSE she was wearing a helmet!

Must admit, your arguments have been spirited and thought provoking!


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