the helmut discussion is something like a few years ago when anne landers was printing
column after column about which way to place the tpaper on the roll. it is personal
answer to the liner guestion MORE Velcro worked for me . also buy the real velcro not
generic because it works better. you can buy adhesive velcro for the helmut side but you
do need to sew on the liner side so don't buy adhesive loop. a good fabric store should
carry both types.(i know this 'cause i own a good fabric store) also the little visor on
the troxel falls off so add some of the adhesive hook sied to your helmut. if that
doesn't keep it on get small petite snaps installed and it will still realease when
caught but will take alot more to do it. much like a motor cylce helmut has. I am
looking into having a lexon half visor made to fit my troxel . it would be clear and
protect my eyes at night from tree branches
Polar fleece blankets were in the archives a while ago. there are many different brands
of polar fleece and like everything else have different uses. I have made coolers from
el paso artic fleece. it is made to be warm with a wicking property to pull sweat away
from the body. no polar fleece is warm wet or cold on a windy day as it is designed to
work in conjunction with a wind proof outer such as dermaflex which is like gortex but
without the price. I use cheaper polar fleece to use as a liner under my canvas winter
blanket for a little extra warmth. The thicker the fleece the more warm air it traps the
warmer the cooler. You will not find the good stuff at discount fabric stores as it is
quite expensive . Wool melton is an excellent cooler but does have the smell that goes
with wool. they say don't wash wool but if you allow 10 to 15% shrinkage before you cut
out your blanket you can wash it. always wash it before your cut out your cooler. shrink
it as fabric not the finished product. i usually wash it 2 times and dry it in a hot
dryer past the dry point as fabric does its most shrinking after it is dry and is left
in the dryer longer. 2.4m of 60 wide makes an ample cooler for my arab.
if anyone wants a horse blanket pattern i could email it.
i have been playing arround with bio than . could use some advice on sewing it.