ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: Helmet Rules

RE: Helmet Rules

Joane Pappas White (lyoness@castlenet.com)
Fri, 14 Feb 1997 09:14:07 -0700

>To: "Connie Hoge" <pvtevt@msn.com>
>From: lyoness@castlenet.com (Joane Pappas White)
>Subject: RE: Helmet Rules
>>Dear Connie,
>I also appreciate your views and even shared many of them a few years ago.
To date, I still only wear my seatbelt part of the time and other safety
features about 50%, but that does not mean that I believe I am right any more.
>I am an adult and so are you. The choices we make GENERALLY only affect us
and our immediate loved ones so I could agree to our assumption of the risk
as long as our injuries don't burden society. Unfortunately, seriously
injured people (that often describes closed head injuries and spinal cord
injuries associated with riding) most often DO end up being cared for on a
long term basis by the rest of taxpaying society. If you spent much time
with a brain damaged individual and the family that cares for him, you would
really rethink your position on safety devices. It is truly heart
wrenching--particularly when a safety device could have prevented the injury.
>When it comes to children, I believe we have a responsibility and legal
duty to require the highest level of protection. The child's ability to
evaluate is limited--choice is basically what the parents project into the
child. I really do believe that society has a vested interest in protecting
the health and safety of the next generation--even if that involves some
infrigement of personal freedoms.
>Yes, man was born nude. He was also born without fire, education,
medicine, law and in this hemisphere--he was also born without the horse. I,
for one, think that God gave man intelligence so that he could improve upon
the limitations of his body and his environment and safety gear is one
expression of that intelligence.
>With respect for your personal right to choose,
>>From: Joane Pappas White
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 1997 3:57 PM
>>To: ridecamp@endurance.net
>>Subject: Helmet Rules
>>Have decided that I should jump into the Joe-Roger conversation and add my
>>two cents. Although I'm a new endurance rider; I'm a "not so new" lawyer who
>>does a lot of personal injury law. I was surprised when we were not required
>>to use helmets at my first race. Before I started representing seriously
>>injured people, I was a firm believer in freedom of choice (still am in most
>>things). Most major safety changes were "forced" into being as a result of a
>>stick not a carrot. Seatbelts, infant restraint seats, etc. were all
>>negatively received at first--now most people not only accept them, but
>>embrace them.
>>Interestingly enough, I didn't (and still don't) automatically put on my
>>helmet when I ride a horse (not exactly the cowboy thing here in rural
>>Utah), but I wouldn't think of racing my corvette or snowmobile without one.
>>The day Thumper and I parted company at the top of the wash a month ago, I
>>didn't have on a helmet. When my head hit the ground lightly--in soft
>>mud--I was given what I call a wakeup tap. I know what a Closed Head Injury
>>does to people and their lives.
>>Believe it or not, I don't think a law suit against ride management will
>>succeed in this sport (assumed risk is a strong defense) but the FEAR of a
>>law suit will probably cause change. More importantly, by example, the
>>children will do what they SEE the leaders in this sport doing (which is a
>>good reason for pictures of winners in helmets). The real change will come
>>in the next generation of riders just as it has for motorcycles, seatbelts
>>and bicycle helmets. So, much as I enjoy the freedom of a bare head and
>>inspite of the ribbing I will take, I shall wear my helmet. For those who
>>choose not to wear one, that's okay for you but I would like to introduce
>>you to a few of my clients and then tell me if you will let your children
>>ride without a helmet.
>>Joane and Thumper
>>Understand & appreciate your view - but - people, ie. children are hurt in
>>kinds of ways - (so are adults), & still being killed in carseats. Shouldn't
>>we be allowed to live our own lives, & take any perceived "chances", without
>>being legislated into doing so based on someone else's ideas of what is
>>I once saw a bumber sticker which read: "Keep your laws off my body".
>>I've no doubt that a majority of people wish to wear protective gear &
that by
>>doing so - promote it's use to the next generation. That is their choice &
>>right. But when a child sees someone doing something without that gear -
>>maybe an explanation of that persons "Individual Rights" would be in order?
>>Or will they all be gone?
>>After all, we're born nude - Or did I miss something?
>>My strongly held belief -
>>Connie Hoge

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