<< Just wanted to throw in the comment that because I ride alone, in Nat'l
forest trails, usually far off the beaten track, I ride with a helmet,
carrying a small survival kit, etc. I run into the forest rangers on a
fairly regular basis and have heard comments on at least three occasions
that they wish more "pleasure" riders would wear helmets, that they've
had to rescue over the years many, many riders that were injured more
seriously than necessary because of no helmet, including a number of
fatalities (we have alot of high cliffs and deep canyons around here).
Not passing on any judgments on anyone's decisions, just throwing in
what I heard from the rangers.
Yes indeed, and as a matter of fact, as a mamber of the regional SAR Team, i
find it annoying to have to have rescued in ourparks people who go down -
bikes or horses - and suffer greater injury to their HEADS, all because they
chose not to wear head protection. As much as I have trouble with the bikers
out there, MOST of them DO wear head protection. Good thing, too, considering
how some of them ride!