Sack him out out of his stall, with his halter on
Kathy Swigart wrote:
> I personally am of the opinion that "sacking out" is a great exercise to
> do
For anyone who wants to sack out their horse, while eating or not, but
whose busy time schedule just doesn't provide for sufficient time, I
just thought I would offer the sacking-out services of my nine-month-old
colt, Dakota, aka the Sack-o-Matic.
Since Dakota was imprinted at birth himself, he has zero fear of plastic
bags, feed bags, tarps, anything like that and therefore bags of any
sort are a favorite toy. So, foolish me, while doing horse chores I
gave him one to play with while turned out with Mom and two other adult
horses, all of whom think bags are automatically Goblins. Dakota grabs
the bag in his mouth, starts whipping his head back and forth to make
the bag snap and every other horse fruits out and runs in terror. Is
this good enough for Dakota, you ask? Heck, no. This horrible creature
realizes everyone else is terrified and scrampering for their lives, so
he spends the next fifteen minutes gleefully CHASING the other horses
(who are trying to climb the trees to get away from him), snapping the
bag so hard I'm afraid his brains will be permanantly scrambled
(although, in a half-Arab, who can tell the difference), while I'm
running after him trying to get the bag away from him and save all the
other horses from the Monster. And of course, to add to the total
picture, you also have to add in two ecstatic Border Collies who have
been waiting ALL THEIR LIVES for a real live stampede for them to round
up, not to mention the stares of my oh-so-haughty neighbor who on the
best of days can just barely keep her lip from curling when even looking
at (dare we say it) ENDURANCE HORSES.
Well, of course Dakota says Fat Chance you're getting back such a great
terrorist weapon before he's had his fill of revenge against all the
grownups, so I finally give up and let them sort it out for themselves.
After awhile (much to Dakota's chagrin) all the grownups figure out,
hey, it's not a goblin, it's just that snotty little troublemaker and
from then on, bags are just No Big Deal.
So if anyone is looking to really sack out their horses, and wants to
just contribute a little something towards the shipping charges of an
obnoxious and way-too-full-of-himself colt...:->