ridecamp@endurance.net: metal corral panels

metal corral panels

Diana L. Benson (dbenson@juno.com)
Thu, 6 Feb 1997 11:45:12 PST

Hi All -

I have had so many inquiries about my portable corral panels that I
decided to post details to the list.

The panels I have are made from round tubular steel and come in lengths
of 10', 12', 14', and 16'. They are designed for use on the farm, being
easy to move about and very sturdy. The top "corners" are radiused about
12". Each end is connectable to the next panel by means of a welded loop
and pin system. One thing I particularly like about these over portable
corrals I see in advertised in horse publications is that they have six
rails making it virtually impossible for the horse to stick his head
THROUGH the panel. Years ago I had a three railer type and my horse
would put his head under the bottom and push wherever he wished.

These panels are NOT lightweight but nothing I cannot manage alone
either. I'd guess them to be about 50-60#?

I purchased mine about six months ago at a local farm supply store called
TSC (Tractor Supply Co) but I see them everywhere. TSC just had the very
best price of $35 each for the 10' x 5.5' high. I had simple racks
welded to the side of my trailer and the panels stay there all the time
unless I need them.

This is in southwest Missouri. I have no idea what is available in other
parts of the country but, wherever you are, check out the local farm
stores. "Farm supplies" are nearly always cheaper than "horse"

For people shopping to find the "perfect" portable corral, I would also
recommend that you take a serious look at Monte & Nancy Mitts invention,
the "roll up" corral. It is very strong vinyl mesh fence that is housed
in a system that mounts easily to your trailer. When you want a corral,
you roll out the mesh and put it around posts, trees, whatever. It is
another form of fencing that is safe for your horse, he cannot even put
a foot through it! Plus it takes up very little space on the outside of
your trailer and adds little weight. Nancy can be contacted at
MS-MITTS@VM.MSSC.EDU or look for their ads. They live only about 20
miles from me but can ship anywhere in the USA.

Electric corrals are nice and my horses are trained to them but I had
several reasons for chosing a "real" corral for my horses. First off,
rocks. Here in the Ozarks, it isn't any piece of cake to get a post or
stake into the ground. Second, if I were using a metal stake that could
be pounded into ground, it could also pierce my horse - and the elec
fence posts are just the right height to do that. Third, no matter how
well trained your horse is - sh_t happens! Fourth - other people's
horses may get loose and run through your elec pen. And if they are
running, it doesn't matter whether they are trained to it or not - they
go right through. Nine times out of ten, elec is okay - it was just
that number 10 that worried me! So I opted for a "solid" portable pen.

Diana Benson

(Melody and others - if you want, send snailmail address and I'll send
you pics)

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