This past weekend we travelled 8 hr to Ocala for the Far Out Forrest Ride
and was pre-ride vetted by a very knowledgeable vet, Dr Frazier. He
graded Sabian's left front at a 2. This got my attention.
Dr Frazier said he was sore by palpation at his high suspensory ligament
and had a slight head bob occasionally at the trot to his left. He
recommended rest and a change in front shoes from polo shoes to egg bar
shoes for more support under the heel.
My vet will be doing an ultrasound next Tues to see what it shows. Until
then, it's stall rest and hand walking for the big boy.
Any experiences and treatments that have been effective for this
condition I would really appreciate reading about. I want to get my guy
100% healthy again whatever that takes.
Thanks in advance!:)
Susan & Sabian (who doesn't understand why he had to stay in his corral
while everyone else went out to ride in Ocala:()