For the "less than calm horse," there's lots of different types of
training to be done when doing a conditioning ride. Several riders
together can do all sorts of training on the trail. Practice your horse
standing while others ride away at different speeds. Practice galloping
up behind one another. Practice galloping towards and passing each other. Practice handing rattley bags, coats, and stuff back and forth at a walk, trot and gallop. Practice tailing. Practice getting off 500+ feet
from the trailer and walking in with a loosen girth to teach your horse
to relax coming into vet checks. In short, try to mimic and practice
any situation that you may encounter at an endurance race. It helps tremendously the nervous, hyper horse to relax and gain confidence in you
and himself.
On Thu, 30 Jan 1997 15:32:40 -0800 (KIMBERLY PRICE)
>I'm throwing out this training question in hopes of getting some good
>responses for our FAQ's. When I asked this question end of 1995, most
>of the answers were in private and they were all very good, but not
saved. >Won't some of you help us get these FAQ's together by responding with >some good training knowledge?
>Question: Horse wants to always be first when riding with others.
>Horse may have a fit and even start bucking if he doesn't get his or
>her way. What are some of the training techniques used to break the
>horse of this habit?
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