ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Helmet Hot Button!

Re: Helmet Hot Button!

Tommy Crockett (tomydore@goblin.punk.net)
(no date)

Just a note... I'm a member of ABATE. The motorcycle riders anti-helmet
movement. Have been since th 70's. Still I don't ride enduance ride any
longer without a helmet. The first time I wore one in a long long long
ago Malibu ride I took a branch in the head to no effect because I had a
helmet on for the first time in competition. It would've knowcked me
cold otherwise.

I've crashed twice at speeds over 65 on my Harley once and once on my
Asian bike without a helmet and survived. Is it because of blind luck or
better consciousness due to knowing the head was unprotected? Gawd knows,
but I don't feel the need to hear my fellow traffic on horseback that is
blocked by a motorcyscle helmet.

'nuff said...


On Fri, 31 Jan 1997, Connie Hoge wrote:

> Oh, wow! I had no idea the AERC had a policy of not printing photo's of
> riders without helmets!
> I have this terrible thing about someone legislating someone else's "safety".
> I feel the same regarding the new safety belt laws. I have the right to do

Tommy Crockett <tomydore@goblin.punk.net>
Los Osos, California 93402-2715
"it won't matter what you're saying when
the damage has all been done"
Mary Chapin Carpenter

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