Re: Teddy, Get it right next time.
Thu, 12 Dec 1996 17:19:10 -0500

Well unfortunately we all see what happens when I attempt to answer
a message on this system. Owww, must have stepped on a toe.

I stand by every post I have issued thus far. There seems to be more merit to
them as time goes by.

And to insinuate anyone tried to "get over" on AERC. That is REALLY
hilarious. Get real, I'll forgive that one only because it is so beneath
anyone with common sense and knowledge of the work that goes into producing a
top quality ride. I'll just assume some "hacker" got hold of your e-mail and
is just trying to start trouble.

Slam ,slam'd think this forum was hall full of doors instead of
an open area as has been described.

As far as AERC goes, they have been advised of any changes or developments to
either the MM or CC event, if you will, in an extremely immediate and
accurate manner and well beyond any rule requirement and any insinuation to
the contrary should be BACKED UP WITH FACTS or kept to oneselves.

However, feel free to post whatever you like. I find it very interesting.

Have a nice day