Tue, 10 Dec 1996 09:13:20 -0500

VO2/VCO2 of Large (and small)Animals

We developed very accurate and well proven "indirect calorimeter" which
measures oxygen consumption and CO2 production of large animals such as
exercising horse and cattle. System can be scaled down to measure small
animals such as mice rats and even insects. For measuring VO2 max. of
exercising horse we use adjustable air supply ( 0 to 15,000 L/min) with
precision mass flow meter. Horse is wearing loosely fitted mask with
openings for fresh room air. Horse respiratory gas is mixed with supplied
fresh air and change in % of O2 and CO2 in the mixture is precisely measured
with 0.001% resolution by gas analyzers. Instead of a face mask animal can
be placed in the chamber. Use of the mask increases response of the system
while use of the chamber make measurement less bothersome to animal and
researcher. When using metabolic system with cattle it can be complemented
by device which can monitor rumination along with oxygen consumption and CO2
If you are interested in this system you may look into our www page under:<> in the environmental section. I can also send you full
description and application notes if you drop me a note with your street
address and your specific application.
Jan Czekajewski, Ph.D.
Columbus, Ohio, USA