Re: cash prizes

Jeff Forbes (
Tue, 03 Dec 1996 23:25:04 -0700

Dito on all the posts that shun $$$ prizes!!!

Anyone who thinks that endurance rides should offer ANY cash prizes
needs to turn racehorse themselves and do the human equivalent of equine
endurance rides. . .in a marathon or triathalon, I guarantee that you
would not tear up your own knees, feet, heart or lungs, or "compete" to
exaustion or expiration for any amount of money.

The AERC should be wary of $$$ prizes in excess of the entry fee,
because if bigger dollars are approved and the upper limit in 1997 is,
let's say, $250, the next year people will expect it to be $300, and
before you know it prizes will be in the thousands and horses will be

Keep entry fees and dollar prizes down, and if sponsors want to support
the sport, they can give "stuff" for the "stuff" of endurance riding ...
sportsmanship, best condition, finishing with the ability to continue,

In a world full of greed, please keep this sport one that is about
feeling good about yourself and your big wonderful friend!

Bambi Forbes
(To Susan, or whoever compiles all this to the AREC: you may add my
name (future member?) to your letter, and my post to the others)